Do you feel like fear has you surrounded?
Are you focused less on YAH and more on your problem?
If so, let's redirect those worries to couragegous faith & trust in YAH!
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but Yahuah delivers him out of them all.~Tehilliym (Psalms) 34:19 את Cepher
Beloved, it's inevitable (necessary, predetermined, impossible to avoid or evade), the test will come. Will you choose to stand firm in faith or will you waiver and give way? Let us pray to Yahuah, our Elohiym, that he will deliver us from every temptation we face, in Yahusha's name!
Then . . . let us sing his praise! PRAISE YAH our strong deliverer!
Hear >>> My Deliverer by Yadah'Yah