The more we surrender to YAH in our life the more He is glorified. And, the more we surrender to YAH in our life >>> chaos, confusion, disorder, disobedience, and darkness flees and Yahuah's sweet peace resides. I am learning, more and more, every day that everything must be surrendered to YAH if we want to be delivered from those things that keep us in bondage and trouble our life. Every single solitary thing! And, nothing is too big or too small. Absolutely nothing is too far-fetched at all! And, certainly nothing is a surprise to YAH. . . at all.
Worship In Spirit & In Truth: Honor Your Temple
Unbeknownst to many of us, we have an unhealthy relationship with food-food of an unhealthy kind. This unhealthy relationship, which results in sickness and disease, is causing great detriment to us and our families. This unhealthy relationship, may, too, cause us to dishonor Yahuah, our Elohiym, by dishonoring the temple he has given us to honor and worship him. Let us consider our ways. Let us consider the things we have learned and accepted while in this place. Let us repent and return to the ancient paths. Let's HONOR YAH by honoring our temple and eating that which is good.
(Please take no offense. I'm just lovin' with righteous judgement:)

Praying For My People...
May we put food in its proper place. May we have a renewed mind and understand what is acceptable and pleasing to YAHUAH. May we seek righteousness, even in our food choices, and have a spirit that is willing to make the necessary changes that will HONOR THE MOST HIGH YAH and the temple he has given us. As we seek to honor YAH with our bodies, I pray there is healing and restoration in our mind, body, and spirit . . . in Yahusha's name.
We have to run this marathon, so let us finish strong family! Let us get an understanding of what is pleasing to YAH. Let us be obedient and use wisdom and the provisions he has given, so we are no longer giving ourselves over to destruction and oppression! PRAISE YAH for his mercy and love towards us!